(715) 318-0897

Great Hygiene Practices Save You Money

In this time of uncertainty and lower milk prices, every penny counts, and many producers have “hunkered down” and decided not to make any large investments this year. In times like these, every producer should focus on efficiencies and find areas where improvements will yield the biggest impact. You won’t find a more important area […]

3 Tips to Energize Your Calf Maternity Employees Now

Having bored or dispassionate employees can kill a business. Yet, how can you quickly energize your calf maternity employees? Sometimes it is as simple as giving them the tools to do their job right. 1. Feel Successful with Clear and Consistent Calf Maternity Protocols Start by making your Calf Maternity employees feel successful. This is […]

Are you saving money with Hygiene? (Golden Calf for Progressive Dairyman)

In this time of lower milk prices, every penny counts, and many producers have “hunkered down” and decided not to make any large investments this year. In times like these, every producer should focus on efficiencies and find areas where improvements will yield the biggest impact. You won’t find a more important area than newborn […]

Managing your calf-care employees (Golden Calf for Progressive Dairyman)

Imagine an employee wearing gloves in a clean dry pen skillfully administering high-quality colostrum to a calf born just minutes ago. The calf’s navel has already been dipped, the calf dried, and all information recorded in the logs. Dream? No, just good employee management. You know that if every calf in your herd received treatment like that, your herd would consist of healthy, high-producing cows. […]

Three ways to improve newborn hygiene (Golden Calf for Progressive Dairyman)

A couple of weeks ago, I trained employees at a mid-size dairy farm. The place was well-run and the calf feeder had full support and trust of the farm owner. The guy liked his calves and cared about doing a good job. What surprised me about the farm was the lack of immediate hygiene. When […]