(715) 318-0897

Are The Scours Making You Sour?

There comes a time in every farmer’s life when everywhere you turn, there are sick animals. It seems like you have one sick animal and then bam, days later it infects the rest of the newborn herd. Being knowledgeable in what to look for, how to treat and most importantly how to prevent sickness from […]

Is the Collection and Storage of Colostrum Your Missing Link?

We have talked a lot about the importance of feeding colostrum and the importance of pasteurization, but we haven’t really discussed the importance of how that colostrum is collected and how it is stored. By now, we all know that those first few hours of a calf’s life are the most critical. Being born without […]

Temperatures are Rising, Don’t Let Heat Stress Get You Down

Summer is here and so is the heat! It is my favorite time of the year. The sunshine and warmth are wonderful and feel great after a long cold winter and a chilly, wet spring. Summer brings us a new set of challenges on the farm……keeping our animals cool with the heat and humidity. Calves […]

Lost Potential: Are Your Calves at Risk?

Spring is a sign of new beginnings. This is true everywhere, including the dairy farm. My favorite part of spring is not only the warmer temperatures, green grass, flowers blooming, seeing all the new baby animals being born. However, bright this new beginning is, there are times when it gets gloomy and those sweet babies […]

More Farm Choices: Is the Second Feeding of Colostrum Needed?

By now, we all know how important colostrum is to the neonatal calf. But, now we face the question, how many feedings are enough? Is it just a one-and-done kind of thing or is there more to it? This is a relatively new topic of research and much still needs to be learned. Before we […]