(715) 318-0897

Anton C., Elm Creek, Manitoba Canada (1200 cows)

Using the Calf Hero™ Backup Battery Power for Calf Hero™ Colostrum Pasteurization Anton’s Farm has about 1200 cows and has been in business at the current location in Manitoba Canada since 1984. The Farm currently uses a Calf Hero™ 12 and a Calf Hero™ Thaw machine, with our amazing Calf Hero™ colostrum bags and snap […]

Everything You Need to Know About Colostrum

Do you need the low-down on colostrum? We are going to give you the 411 on colostrum and why it is essential to the future of your dairy herd. Colostrum management is one of the essential building blocks of a thriving dairy farm. How you care and treat your colostrum determines if the new herd […]

Linda B – Medford, WI

Brandner Dairy is a family-owned Dairy that started in 1979 located in Medford, Wisconsin. They have been a longtime Farm Partner with us since 2012. Here at the Golden Calf Company, as a manufacturer we continuously innovate and improve our products. We are constantly sending out samples and asking our partners to test them and […]

Ensuring that You Have Successful Colostrum Practices

What does a successful colostrum feeding program look like? We all know that calves are born without a developed immune system, in fact they don’t have any antibodies to the outside world. That is why it is colostrum is so important to their livelihood. Without an immune system, they can’t fight any bacteria or microorganism […]

Eric V., 3000+ cows, Maurice, IA

Dykstra Dairy is a family-owned Dairy located now in Maurice, IA. The Dairy/family relocated from southern California about 20 years ago, to the North West and has a current herd size of approximately 3000 cows   They purchased their first colostrum system (a Maxx 8 system), from the Golden Calf Company back in 2012. Today they […]