(715) 318-0897

Anton C., Elm Creek, Manitoba Canada (1200 cows)

Using the Calf Hero™ Backup Battery Power for Calf Hero™ Colostrum Pasteurization Anton’s Farm has about 1200 cows and has been in business at the current location in Manitoba Canada since 1984. The Farm currently uses a Calf Hero™ 12 and a Calf Hero™ Thaw machine, with our amazing Calf Hero™ colostrum bags and snap […]

P. Heiniger – Upton, Quebec Canada

Above my expectations!“We needed healthier calves and a solution to simplify colostrum administration. The Calf Hero™ 3 has completely transformed our process. Now we have premium colostrum ready for our calves. Since the introduction of this machine, we have observed healthier calves and a 50% increase in passive immune transfer. The machine would also reduce […]

Linda B – Medford, WI

Brandner Dairy is a family-owned Dairy that started in 1979 located in Medford, Wisconsin. They have been a longtime Farm Partner with us since 2012. Here at the Golden Calf Company, as a manufacturer we continuously innovate and improve our products. We are constantly sending out samples and asking our partners to test them and […]

Eric V., 3000+ cows, Maurice, IA

Dykstra Dairy is a family-owned Dairy located now in Maurice, IA. The Dairy/family relocated from southern California about 20 years ago, to the North West and has a current herd size of approximately 3000 cows   They purchased their first colostrum system (a Maxx 8 system), from the Golden Calf Company back in 2012. Today they […]

UW/US Dairy Forage Research Center, Prairie du Sac, WI

The UW/US Dairy Forage Research Center in Wisconsin has been using the 2 Cartridge Colostrum Pasteurize/Thaw Unit since 2012, along with the Colostrum Bank, and more recently our disposable, Snap-In tube feeders that we began making right here in Wisconsin just about a year ago. The USDFRC at Prairie du Sac, WI research farm consists of […]