(715) 318-0897

New Concept for 2022: Identify and Get Rid of Your “Waste”

A while back we introduced an idea taken from the auto industry, called “Lean Manufacturing.” Now, I am asking to take that concept one step further, by implementing a 2-second approach that was developed by Paul Akers, owner of Fastcap. These concepts seem quite foreign and impossible to undertake, let alone make relevant to the […]

6 Ways to Reduce Water Consumption on the Dairy Farm

Seems like everyone is talking about but is anyone listening… Climate control and the environment are hot topics in politics and in general nowadays. What is the big deal? The Earth is made of water, why should I care? We all should care, but that is easier said than done. I grew up being taught […]

5 Tips to Increase Efficiency in the Maternity Area

The maternity area of your dairy is a vital component of the future of your dairy. Making this area more efficient is critical to the livelihood of the future herd. If your protocols are lacking, then you will see issues in your calves. Here are five tips to maximize the efficiency of the maternity area […]

It’s the Most Exciting Time of the Year-It’s Fair Time and time to Show Your Dairy Calf

Now that it is summer, everyone is busy getting ready for fair season. Fair season is an amazing time of the summer. I look forward to all the tasty treats and my kids look forward to all the rides and games. As a kid, my 4H and FFA friends would be getting their animals ready […]

Temperatures are Rising, Don’t Let Heat Stress Get You Down

Summer is here and so is the heat! It is my favorite time of the year. The sunshine and warmth are wonderful and feel great after a long cold winter and a chilly, wet spring. Summer brings us a new set of challenges on the farm……keeping our animals cool with the heat and humidity. Calves […]