Brandner Dairy is a family-owned Dairy that started in 1979 located in Medford, Wisconsin. They have been a longtime Farm Partner with us since 2012.
Here at the Golden Calf Company, as a manufacturer we continuously innovate and improve our products. We are constantly sending out samples and asking our partners to test them and give us honest feedback. Linda was gracious enough to do this. In an email she wrote:
“I Just wanted to update you on the new green colostrum cases. They were a snap to assemble and I really like them. They seem a little more heavy duty and the water empties out of them quicker when you pull them out of the machine so your feet don’t end up soaked. Good improvement!” (Linda, B.)

Calf Hero Green Colostrum Case and Calf Hero Bags = Happy Calves!!
Now with our very own Amazing Calf Hero Colostrum Cases we are able to offer lower pricing. Call us today 715-318-0897.