(715) 318-0897

Golden Calf Company welcomes new hire, Meagen Koser

I  am proud to announce that Progressive Dairyman has recognized me, Meagen Koser as a new hire.  I began working with Golden Calf Company as a calf care consultant earlier this year and have already gained great experience in the field.  I look forward to continuing to help farmers raise healthy that will have a […]

Up your colostrum game with thawing unit (Progressive Dairyman)

Studies have shown significant benefits of a proper colostrum- feeding protocol. These represent the need to rapidly thaw and feed 4 liters/quarts of high-quality colostrum within 30 minutes after a calf is born. For farms wanting to use their own colostrum, getting a fresh cow milked, or banked colostrum thawed, in that amount of time […]