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Inquiring Minds Want to Know: Why is Colostrum Management So Important?

Like most things in life, we just do what we have always done without question and many times without knowing why we do it. We just have grown up with our parents doing it one way and now we do it the same way as well. This is also the case with life on the […]

More Farm Choices: Is the Second Feeding of Colostrum Needed?

By now, we all know how important colostrum is to the neonatal calf. But, now we face the question, how many feedings are enough? Is it just a one-and-done kind of thing or is there more to it? This is a relatively new topic of research and much still needs to be learned. Before we […]

Life Choices on the Dairy: Batch or Individual Meal Pasteurization

To pasteurize your colostrum or not to pasteurize your colostrum, is the question? That is a great question! While this is an important decision to make and I hope that you do plan on pasteurizing your colostrum, the next real question is when pasteurizing colostrum, is should I do large batch pasteurization (many meals in […]

Trim the Fat! Building a Lean Dairy is Great

No, I am not talking about weight loss! I am referring to making your dairy operation more profitable by using the Lean Principles and eliminating the waste. The waste in time, resources, and idle employees to better serve our calves. Where Does This Idea Come From? The lean idea is not a new concept. This […]

How Dirty is the Colostrum You are Feeding?

Feeding dirty colostrum to your newborn calves can cost you thousands of dollars in future treatments, vet bills, and time dealing with calf problems. So ask yourself this question, is it worth cleaning? And if it is, follow our five steps to the perfect cleanliness. Are Your Colostrum Tools Worth Cleaning? In colostrum feeding, we […]