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Life Choices on the Dairy: Batch or Individual Meal Pasteurization

To pasteurize your colostrum or not to pasteurize your colostrum, is the question? That is a great question! While this is an important decision to make and I hope that you do plan on pasteurizing your colostrum, the next real question is when pasteurizing colostrum, is should I do large batch pasteurization (many meals in […]

How to Take Care of Calf Colostrum. Your Guide to Storing and Pasteurizing Your Most Valuable Asset.

Colostrum is the most valuable asset on your dairy. Knowing how to properly pasteurize and store colostrum is an essential requirement for any dairy. Here is how to do it right. Pasteurizing Colostrum Heat treating colostrum, often called pasteurizing, can be done – but not the same way you pasteurize whole milk for older calves. […]

What’s the Composition? Milk And Colostrum And How To Treat Each

“That depends,” you say. “Are you talking about comparing the two liquids or whether colostrum feeding affects future production?” “Both,” I say. Comparing Colostrum to Milk Components Colostrum is notorious for containing high levels of immunoglobulins. At 85 to 90 percent, the most prevalent one is immunoglobulin G (IgG), a large Y-shaped protein produced by […]

My WDE Love Affair

Ever since I met my husband, I count my life blessings by World Dairy Expos. It all started the weekend after the 2003 World Dairy Expo when we first met. Since then we haven’t missed a single one and have experienced every aspect of it fully.  We started by showing the cows and thoroughly enjoyed […]

Quickly Slash Staph Infections in Half with Colostrum Management

Staph (staphylococcus) is not easy to get rid of, but when you implement a good colostrum management system, it can easily be conquered. Often, dairyman and dairywomen view colostrum management as an easier way to organize their protocols. And while it certainly does that, the impact of the improved protocols and better colostrum handling is […]