(715) 318-0897

Hate Tube Feeding Your Calves? Make it Less Stressful

Tube feeding a calf can be a daunting and scary practice, especially if you don’t have proper technique. It can be intimidating for employees and harmful to a calf if not done properly. Maybe that is why some farmers and their employees shy away from it, however, if you take the time to properly train […]

Lost Potential: Are Your Calves at Risk?

Spring is a sign of new beginnings. This is true everywhere, including the dairy farm. My favorite part of spring is not only the warmer temperatures, green grass, flowers blooming, seeing all the new baby animals being born. However, bright this new beginning is, there are times when it gets gloomy and those sweet babies […]

Inquiring Minds Want to Know: Why is Colostrum Management So Important?

Like most things in life, we just do what we have always done without question and many times without knowing why we do it. We just have grown up with our parents doing it one way and now we do it the same way as well. This is also the case with life on the […]

More Farm Choices: Is the Second Feeding of Colostrum Needed?

By now, we all know how important colostrum is to the neonatal calf. But, now we face the question, how many feedings are enough? Is it just a one-and-done kind of thing or is there more to it? This is a relatively new topic of research and much still needs to be learned. Before we […]

Great Hygiene Practices Save You Money

In this time of uncertainty and lower milk prices, every penny counts, and many producers have “hunkered down” and decided not to make any large investments this year. In times like these, every producer should focus on efficiencies and find areas where improvements will yield the biggest impact. You won’t find a more important area […]