Test colostrum right in your pipeline. Sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? Here at Golden Calf Company, we have been busy figuring out ways to make your job in the maternity ward faster, simpler, more streamlined. This way you can make sure every calf born feels like your only calf born that day. Over the years we have brought you countless products that help you to up your colostrum management game from thawing units, digital refractometers, to our line of Calf Hero™ pasteurizers, and newly designed single-use Calf Hero™ colostrum bags. Now we are offering our newest design: The Calf Hero™ Auto Fill Station with in-line Brix refractometer.
Colostrum Test and Batch
Many dairies find that a fill station is a necessary part of their colostrum management system, it enables you to fill colostrum bags cleanly and efficiently. It helps to streamline the feeding process and maintains consistency. When you use a fill station to distribute your colostrum into individual bags, you are lessening the chances of contamination from continuously handling the colostrum. Every time you handle it, you take the chance of contaminating it, thus potentially making a healthy calf, sick.

Our new Calf Hero™ Auto Fill Station has larger dairies in mind. We want to help streamline the process even further. With multiple calves born a day, using our smaller fill station is a timely process. This new fill station is revolutionary, it not only saves time and reduces the workload of employees, it cleanly and precisely measures colostrum in 2L, 3L, and 4L quantities at the press of a button with its touchscreen controls. This ensures that each bag is filled with the same amount of colostrum every single time and guarantees you are feeding the correct amounts of colostrum to your calves. No more second-guessing how full each bag is! And it makes those second and third feedings as easy as the first feeding. This new fill station features an automatic valve that prevents spills and keeps the area clean, which saves you time and resources. No more wasted colostrum!
Calf Hero™ Brix: Test Colostrum in the pipeline

The most amazing feature, is the inline Calf Hero™ Brix, a built-in refractometer to test colostrum right in your pipeline. A large read-out display, that accurately measures the quality of the colostrum as it flows through the fill station and into the colostrum bag. This now saves you the need for a hand-held digital refractometer, that sometimes gets misplaced, misused, or dropped. The large readout display makes documenting the quality level a breeze.

Colostrum Fill: Modular for Your Convenience
The new Calf Hero™ Auto Fill Station is designed to be modular, meaning that you can hook it up directly to a pipe line, bulk tank, or batch pasteurizer with a tri-clamp. You can also purchase the large 5-gallon “Colostrum Cup” funnel to use as a stand-alone option.