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Ensuring that You Have Successful Colostrum Practices

What does a successful colostrum feeding program look like? We all know that calves are born without a developed immune system, in fact they don’t have any antibodies to the outside world. That is why it is colostrum is so important to their livelihood. Without an immune system, they can’t fight any bacteria or microorganism […]

New Concept for 2022: Identify and Get Rid of Your “Waste”

A while back we introduced an idea taken from the auto industry, called “Lean Manufacturing.” Now, I am asking to take that concept one step further, by implementing a 2-second approach that was developed by Paul Akers, owner of Fastcap. These concepts seem quite foreign and impossible to undertake, let alone make relevant to the […]

Happy Employees Have Great Training: Our Top Tips

There are labor shortages everywhere we look these days, and the dairy industry is no different. It seems like finding qualified people that fit into your job descriptions are more difficult. This is why it is important to spend time training and retraining your employees. Not only will this help you to one, fill your […]

Best Practices on the Farm: Choosing a Refractometer

There are many tools of the trade when it comes to taking care of calves. One of those tools that often gets overlooked is the refractometer. This is an essential tool in your toolbox, it gets used every day. There are several different refractometers on the market and they are used in a variety of […]

6 Ways to Reduce Water Consumption on the Dairy Farm

Seems like everyone is talking about but is anyone listening… Climate control and the environment are hot topics in politics and in general nowadays. What is the big deal? The Earth is made of water, why should I care? We all should care, but that is easier said than done. I grew up being taught […]